Instructions For Online Admission Process
► Fill your application form by selecting Fill Application Form Menu.
► After clicking on menu you will see the general instructions manual. Please read the general instructions carefully and click on the ‘I Agree>> Continue To Form’ button to proceed to application form.
► OTP verification is required for Confirmation of Mobile Number for Communication.
► Once you have entered all the details kindly verify it before saving. Form once saved will not be editable.
► You will receive form number after saving the application form. (It will be displayed on screen also, kindly note the same for Reference.)
► You will have to do online payment of Form Fees. For making online payment click on the Online Payment menu and Enter your Application Form Number. You will be able to take printout only after making a successful Online Payment of Admission Form Fee.
► Take the printout of Application form. You need to produce the application form during document verification process at school.
A) General Instructions :
The Admission Process is in 3 Steps :
a) Step 1 : Registration
►1) This form is just a registration for the Admission Process.
►2) Filling up this form does not guarantee admission.
►3) The cost of the Form is Rs 300/- , to be paid online , is non refundable.
►4) If the above mentioned amount is not paid the form filling remains incomplete and you will not receive any further communication for the admission process.
►5) While filling up the form ensure to put the correct Mobile and Email id as all communication will be done through SMS.
►6) After filling up the form and payment of form fees, the registration process is over .
►7) The admissions are strictly as per the availability of seats.
b) Step 2 : Scrutiny of Form and Call For meeting.
►8) After Scrutiny of the form, SMS will be sent to selected applicants informing the parents regarding meeting in the School.
c) Step 3 : Admission process.
►9) After meeting, if the admission is granted, the parent will receive the Enrolment no. through SMS and fee payment link ..
►10) After completion of all admission process and fee payment , the admission gets confirmed.
B) Instructions for filling up the form :
►1) All enabled fields with *(red Asterisk) are compulsory to be filled. In case data cannot be filled or is
not available specify N.A. in that field .
►2) Fill all the information in Capital letters.
►3) Keep all the documents ready with given specific file limits in the soft copy format.
1) Photograph of the child (.jpeg, .jpg format 50 KB).
2) Joint photograph of parent. (.jpeg, .jpg format 50 KB).
3) Birth certificate ( .jpeg, .jpg Or Pdf format 100 KB).
4) Adhar Card of the child ( .jpeg, .jpg Or Pdf format 100 KB).
5) Adhar Card of the parent( .jpeg, .jpg Or Pdf format 100 KB.
6) Caste Certificate, if applicable.( .jpeg, .jpg Or Pdf format 100 KB).
7) Report Card of the previous Std( .jpeg, .jpg Or Pdf format 100 KB).
If the child’s Adhar Card , Caste certificate is not available then a written application requesting to
submit the required document on a later date has to be scanned and uploaded, in the tab of that particular document.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Once the admission is confirmed and all formalities along with fee is paid and the
parent wishes to cancel the admission no refund will be provided.